Givengo Company


"From the individual at the service of performance, to performance at the heart of the human".


Our approach overturns the traditional representation of performance. We no longer ask ourselves if we are made for what we achieve, but if what we do makes us possible. We rely on a model of self-knowledge created from the latest knowledge in neuroscience, coupled with high technology implementing machine-learning and artificial intelligence.

Our tool is simple to understand and easy to implement. Our approach to evaluating, welcoming, integrating and developing collective and individual talents through our platform is accessible and operational from a level of discovery to greater expertise.

We are not coming to give lessons! Our added value : to enable performance actors, as well as those who surround and accompany them, to discover their potential, to reveal their talent and to find the approach and solutions they are capable of bringing to express it in the duration.


Our Methodology :

Our platform relies on our ability to make the intangibles of performance tangible through our algorithm. Our objective, by combining observations and analyses, of the physical, mental, technical or tactical skills of the actors of the performance and by carrying out reporting and processing of giving by our AI, to allow them to discover their talents, to exploit their potential and develop their skills towards performance throughout their careers.

Armed with this awareness, it is necessary to provide tools, concrete and coherent actions to move from words to deeds.

We can also offer you training or provide support and consulting processes that are intended to be pragmatic and allow performance actors, as well as those around them, to become actors in their project, their potential and their their talent.

Why trust us :

Trained in the issues of leadership and group dynamics, specializing in the challenges of communication and learning networks, we allow us to address the challenges of performance and talent in an innovative and reliable way. We approach the requirement of evaluation, recruitment, and consulting as we master that of high-level competition.

We know the structural prerequisites to support individuals, teams and projects in the discovery and expression of their talents and potential.

We exchange at your own pace in the confidentiality that our approach requires and we offer you technological solutions, expertise such as professional training or coaching to make you master of your approach in the art of talent observation, recruitment and support with one objective : performance.


We offer a set of services that you can combine to meet your needs. If you wish, we also provide tailor-made services in addition to these offers.


Construction of a tailor-made administration system. Confidentiality of access and guaranteed information.


3 different report levels, discovery, standard and expert to make the intangibles of performance tangible + accompanying report.


Personality and team role assessment questionnaires. Realization of personal and professional assessments with debriefing.


Personalized support for athletes and their management.


Access to the platform, our assessments and profiling and provision of our view and our expertise for a better cross-referencing of data and information.


Develop your scouting and recruiting skills.